I managed to get out today before the rain came down. I decided to visit Moss Eccles Tarn on the fells on the West shore of Windermere. After a walk of about 20minutes I reached the Tarn sat in a shallow cauldron of rocks, trees & fellside. The tarn is 5 acres in size and is stocked annually by Windermere, Ambleside & District Angling Association with Brown Trout, it also has a good head of natural wild Brownies. It is also a SSSI.
I decided the best tactics for the day would be a spider on the dropper with a small gold head bug on the point. The casting was hard due to the wind, which would occasionally get very blustery. After about 45 minutes the rain started, with light showers, about ½ hour it came on heavily with very strong winds making it virtually impossible to cast. It was shortly after this I decided to pack up, as there was no sign of improvement in the conditions. Unfortunately no fish were caught, although I had a couple of pulls. I think this was down to the conditions and choice of flies with the fish just checking out what was being offered.
I plan to give this tarn another go in the near future, hopefully with better results and weather.